Okay everyone, well today was the long awaited day! Suprisingly I woke up today wishing the auction was next weekend. I was just so nervous! My mom and I ended up leaving our house at 9:30am to the farm where my horses are boarded at, since our friend's TV had the right channel. We missed Lot 1 horse, since we walked in at Lot 2. I sat there for hours watching the adult horses go for as much as $8000! I started to get even more worried when I saw one go for $6000 I think it was and $3200. But half way through the two hundered some adult mustangs everything started to slow and perfectly beauiful mustangs started going into the pools! (The pools are where the horses who don't get a bid go.) I counted almost eight or so pool horses in a row. After that I started to get hopeful. Finally after over 4 hours of the adults it was finally the yearlings! The adults were a drag, but boy did they zip right through the yearlings! So many that I liked were going to the pools! But we sat through the temptation of getting one before the ones that I really wanted ( 351, 393, and 414)
These three horses that I mention have little stories behind them. The very absoloutly first horse I really truely loved was 351, which was Christmas time in December when the videos were first put up. However after going to well knowlegabled horse people and good friends they began to point out the good and bads of all my other ones. Don't get me wrong though, 351 never had a bad things said about him, but a new favoirte began to take his place. Two diffrent people told me out of the thirty some horses I sent, that they ranked 393 as the best of the lot. They pointed out his good qualites so after that I began comparing ever horse to him. I began to be obsessed with 393 and soon I was watching his video daily and matching it up with songs that I liked. On my homepage screen of my computer I put his lovely picture so I could always see his beautiful face. So to make a long story shorter, from Janurary, through February, up until just two weeks ago he was my absolute favorite. I knew he'd be a risk but I was willing to take it for him, but just in case I went through all few horses after him to see if I could find some that I'd like if for some reason I didnt get him. I wasnt too enthused about doing it but I did looked through them all often anyway. I just couldn't bare the thought of someone else getting him. I thought of how painful it would be to see him at the show and him not be mine. (I know it sound selfish but I fell in love with the colt). Until one day, just a few weeks ago....I noticed for the first time 414. Not that I had never seen him, I just never really thought of him as my potentail horse. But I did notice him at last. As I watched the video a couple of time over and over again, instead of just going on to the next I began to really notice my growing fondness of him. Sure he is a beautiful horse, but color wasnt really what I was looking for. Something about his expression, his eyes, or face just really struck me. Suddenly I thought that with this horse, I wouldn't feel so much pain at loosing 393! It was a suprising self revealation but it was true. 414 just stole my heart away. I began vigorously comparing the two geldings now that I really felt utter confusion at what I wanted. I turned to me dear friend Robin who had pointed me toward 393 in the first place, but had never seen 414. She liked 393 still better than 414, but she didnt have anything bad to say about him. But then we had the price talk. Both horses were beautiful and pretty colors go for a lot of money. Since I just bought the round pen and still needed a horse trailer, I just could not pay the price I expected these two colts to go for. That evening I began a madning search through the horses again starting at the first yearling (301). I began to get feed back from other people in my desperate state of confussion. So a new list was formed. About a week ago I got our bidding number, 551. Since there wasnt a horse of that same number I thought, hmmm I wonder what yearling 351 is? I couldn't believe that I had almost completly forgotten my black colt! I think I may have eventually gone back to him but thanks to my bidders number venture, it sped the process up. So now I had a good numbered horse that I liked. He wasn't first, so I'd have an idea of what the yearlings would go for, and he wasnt last to where I'd run out of horses I liked after him. He was my safe horse. It was set. 351 was my first pick, and if not I had plently of pool horse possiblities afterward.
So by now you may be thinking 'hmmm intresting story... but what is the point of all of this?' Well it all connects like a puzzle durning the auction. At last my 351 horse comes along and we get him for $200! I was so prepared to go up to $500, I couldn't believe it. I think my mom and I got a little too happy (if that is at all possible when talking about mustangs) because we started thinking of maybe getting another! I liked so many in the pool, I told my mom to just wait and see if we could get either 393 or 414 but we would only have $300 left to spend. Even after the low bids I really though 393 would go beyond $600 or $700, but I still suggested on bidding on him anyway. We bid $300 but he ended up going to $400 something! So no I did not get 393, which is funny because had I stuck with him I would have had $500 to possibly out bid the other person. But the colt went for about $400! I wasn't too dissapointed. Regardlessly I loved my black colt 351, and I couldn't ask for more than that. We still had one last shot with 414, so we waited the few more horses that were after 393. There was dun filly before him which was really an all round nice filly with good looks and she was well built. I tried to pay attention to what she went for since 414 is a dun too. I didnt quite catch it because I was listing to my mom talk on the phone to the bidding people. I think she went for $600 or so which really isn't at all bad considering that such a slick and shiney coated filly like her would go for much more. I was getting hopeful with 414. Before I knew it, it was 414's turn. Right away we put down $200 as the bid. After a few seconds I heard $250. My heart started to sink because I knew that ment we had someone to bid against. And with only a budget that aloud us to go up $50 more, I lost most hope. All of asudden my mom was yelling happily "We got him! We got him $300!" The bidding was so fast I didnt catch it from the TV screen but I think they were going fast because the auction lasted an hour longer than expected. I was so lost for words. I got two of my three favoirte boys, when I really was planning on only getting one of them. I am so incredably happy. I adore my two new colts and look forward to meeting them in 41 days! (or 6 weeks) on May 12. I just can not beleive it. The mustangs were supose to feel more real once we bought one (well now two) but it only seems more dream like.
Over all though the day has been very stressful and long. (6 hours total the auction took, and 414 was the second to last horse) So I am very exhusted now, but thanks to my over whelming happiness I have lasted long enough to write this blog on the day of the auction. Im sorry for the many miss spelled words and grammar errors but my eyes are very heavy now and I still havent ate since I have been home. Thanks for reading and I hope you follow my journey with my TWO mustang yearlings.
Next thing is names.......
Here is my lovely 351.
And my lovely 414.