Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day Two: May 13, 2012

I woke up bright and early again at about 6:30. I started right away with a warm up to me lesson and rub down. It didnt take long for me to move back to leading lessons again. They were both quick to pick up where we left off the last night. When I led Ace around he had a spot he didnt like going to. He gave me a little rear and stubornly gave up after a few minutes. Harley ...was always easiest with leading and he gave me no problems. It was Ace who wouldnt leave me and Harley alone. I began to get impacient and was more than ready to seperate them, though they are such good buds, for the training purposes, it would need to be done and today was the day.

My family finally came and backed the trailer to the loading chute. I was easily able to lead Ace right through the chute and up the stock trailer. He didnt like the center gate closing him off and with me still in with him he began to circle. Harely might have not taken this as well, but Ace was a good boy and didnt smash me in there and let me pass through him. Harley on the other had didnt need me to lead him in, I problably couldnt if I wanted because he just wanted to get back with Ace. He ran right in.

My mom drove them in the back and we unloaded them. Harely was to go into the barn area for the night so I caught him in the round pen and inched our way closer to the barn. Ace freaked in the trailer and had his front legs out and over the center gate. He was making Harley more nervous so we had no choice but to let him out too. Harley didnt like the noise that the the tarp wall was making in the barn so he pulled a little on the lead rope and did a few rears. I pressured and released him paciently and finally we made it in. I closed the gate behind him and took his halter and lead rope off. Then I went to work with Ace.

After letting them get use to there new surroundings for a few minutes I started round pen traing Ace. Harley didnt like the whip noise so I couldnt pressure lazy boy Ace into more than a slow trot. He caught on swiftly, though not perfect, as good as I could hope for a first drive and draw lesson. I worked more on his manners and getting out of my space.

Harley kept tring to get out through out the lesson with Ace. He'd rear and push his chest up aginst the gate and walls. I was nervous that he'd get out. He pushed the gate hard enought to where he took off a pannel to the round pen and nearly go out. I qucikly fixed the problem and reajusted the securness of the pannels.

My mom and dad helped me fill up there water and carry out there hay and oats. They love their hay and settled down a little. I left them for the first time to go home. It was Sunday and I had school the next day. All I could do was pray that nothing happend durning the night.
 They have their halters and lead ropes on.
 Harley resting on Ace's shoulder.
 The boys napping agian.
 In this photo you can see some personality that these guys have. They both love to chew eachothers halters.
 In the back field now in the roud pen, trying to seperate them.
 To make it less stressful, instead of just trying to drag Harley in, I used hay to show him the way.
 Now seperated, you can see Ace's faded star that consist of maybe seven white hairs.
Durning a leading lesson, Ace decides to roll.

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